Happy 1st Birthday Olivia!! |
My Biggest Fan. |
15 Interesting Facts About ME!
This may not be TOO interesting, but some facts some people may not know about me.
1. I am a people pleaser.. I hate for people to be mad or unhappy. I like to make sure everyone gets their way, which can sometimes be rough.
2. I LOVE working with kids. Kids say some of the funniest things. They can make your bad day not seem SO bad. Especially working in the Title 1 schools.
3. I'm an OVER-reacter most of the time. Little things that aren't that BIG of a deal can make me go off the deep-end. I'm working on that :)
4. Family is one of my most precious things to me. Especially my spit-fire of a daughter. She already has my attitude!!
5. I miss ALL my high school friends, and would go back to re-live those days knowing how much i cherish them ALL now. Those were the days!! Time FLIES!
6. I LOVE my JOB, but DISLIKE being away from Olivia all day. BUMMER! BUT thankfully i have a flexible job and some days i get more time with her than others :)
7. Olivia has shown me a new meaning of 'Love' She is my EVERYTHING. I can't imagine life without her. She's a VERY special little girl and she taught me about patience, praying, and lots of love when she was born.
8. My best friend Heather moved back from St. Louis after being gone for TWO whole years. Funny thing is we picked up RIGHT where we left off and it's like she NEVER left. She now lives a mile away from me and I LOVE IT!!
9. I'm OBSESSED with Sonic drinks!! I LOVE vanialle dr. peppers.. AH
10. I LOVE being outdoors... that can consist of playing sports, hangin' out, BBQ'n, swimming, and just playing!! I LOVE IT!
11. Another thing I love to do is CLEAN!! I try to keep our house pretty clean, but it's getting harder these days since Olivia is walking and playing all the time, but i wouldn't change that. I LOVE watching her PLAY!!
12. My mom is my hero. She has been there for me through thick and thin even when we didn't agree on some things she never has left my side. She has always been there for me and usually gave me her opinion or the truth when i didn't want to hear it.. Looking back now i can say ... She told me so!
13. I attend an amazing church, Destiny Church in Republic, Mo destinychurch.me Jeff and I have been attending here for about a year and a half. Olivia was dedicated last Sunday the 12th. It was amazing. She's getting SO big!
14. We got a new i-pad (Jeff won during a t-shirt contest) and we both are addicted. I can't believe i can sit and play these games!! It's fun to compete to see who can get the best score.. I have the bubble game, but jeff SO has tetris on our phone!! He said if i beat his score i can have ANYTHING i want!! AHH.. I'm still practicing only 4000 away!!
15. My favorite shows : One Tree Hill, 90210, Life Unexpected are ALL back on for NEW season's I'm OHHH SO excited!!!! AHH!! Monday and Tuesday nights the DVR is set!!
Hope everyone enjoys this post. I just tried to keep rambling about things some people wouldn't know about me or things about myself.
Excited to enjoy this afternoon of sunshine with my babygirl outside playing.. I AM BLESSED!!