This week has been the LONGGGGEST week!! We visited the bootheel last weekend and every since we have got home i have been UNmotivated and TIRED. I've tried going to bed earlier, but I can't seem to go to sleep. I decided today I need to get myself together and GET MOTIVATED! I went to GNC and got some new vitamins (multi pack) 7 pills a day.. BUT I get everything i need in one little package.. Yippie. SO excited to start these on Monday. Body For Life Week 4 has NOT been very successful :( I'm praying to maintain the weight I was going into Week 4 and REALLY pushing myself with my cardio next week. I hate halfway doing things, SO it's time to put a fire under my tail and get to working hard. Thanks to my girls Stacey and Alicia for motivating me this morning and sticking with me this week.
Olivia is now in her big girl bed. She's done really good all week. This morning i found her in front of the couch all snuggled up under a blanket... She must have woke up and decided to play and just sleep in the living room floor. What a cutie! She's got SUCH a personality now and we LOVE it. Kisses for no reason, and love the "real" laughing.. She will start and can't stop and it's absolutely PERFECT.
Tonight we have our first SAS Night at DC! I love our church and all my girls!! I hope to see lots of girls there, and especially of the women from my Monday night's women's study!! I love those girls!! They are all so awesome and have a story to share that will make you want to rejoice and give God all the praise... They are AMAZING.
Life is going great.. I can't complain.. I have an amazing family and a great group of friends.
This weekend's plans.. SAS Night tonight, tomorrow sleeping in, Olivia's 18 month pictures, and our FIRST DC Saturday Night Service, Sunday Nursery, Baby Shower, and RELAX!
Have a Great Weekend!! .