Wednesday Started our Thanksgiving Break....
We decided to stay home this year and make the trip first thing Thursday morning... Wednesday Night we got all of our bags packed, the dogs ready for the ride, and made a fun Thanksgiving craft for all of Olivia's grandparents and one for our refrigerater TOO...
Olivia made this at school... HOW SWEET!! :) I LOVE HER |
From: The Rawson's
We headed out of Republic around 8:00am so we could make it to the Rawson/Muse Thanksgiving at 11:30am....
Here's my gang heading out of town....
We continued on our way and headed to my mom's house for Thanksgiving...
Olivia got her first hair cut after Thanksgiving dinner.. She did so good.
We left at 9pm for Black Friday Shopping this year.. WOW... It was a long night, but I got a lot of good deals for Jeff, Olivia, and I! Plus I had a blast spending time with my mom and aunt... They are SO much fun!! We got home around 10am!!
Friday consisted of being lazy and then heading over to Jeff's parent's house... We spent time with his family, had tacos, and just hung out.. It was a lot of fun. Jeff found out he would be heading home on Saturday to go to work (no fun) but gotta do what ya gotta do. Olivia got her first little black eye by jumping on the couch... Only cried for a bit and toughed it out.
Saturday we all went to lunch with my in-laws, Bobby, and Fat. We celebrated Jeff's Birthday with a birthday cake surprise his mom got him!!
Olivia and I headed over to my dad's house and spent the evening we had a Turkey supper and just hung out with everyone. Got to see my sister again which i miss her like crazy!
Olivia being lazy on Saturday Night Playing the Dora Game on the iPad |
Sunday we got to sleep in to almost 10am!! AWESOME! :) Then had a big breakfast before our journey back to Springfield. We left early so we could get home and unpack and put our Christmas decorations up... Our tree got put up and all of our decorations are out and looking AWESOME. We had to make our new addition (Hank) to our stockings and get a new tree topper... I decorated our wreath that goes on our door to make it look better. Pictures to Come......
Monday was Jeff's Birthday so I took him lunch at work and decided to make Baked Spagetti for supper along with a yummy chocolate chip cookie cake Olivia got him at wal-mart... We had an awesome break but today it's been back to reality of work... Hope everyone had an awesome holiday with their families... I'm looking forward to December, lots of holiday spirit and fun going on in the Rawson home.