Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Little Family

These four rock my world.. Love Y'all 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Bittersweet Week (Recap)

It's been a long 5 weeks.. I've had a mommy instinct all along that something was wrong with my little lady. This past week was a VERY trying week for me.. I'm usually very strong and very independent and want to do things ALL by myself.

Monday: This little episode happened and it was BAD... I kinda panicked bc it was the first time she has done this and it was horrible. 

Tuesday: Doctor decided to try Nutramigen formula and take her off breastmilk for 24-48 hours to see what happens... She HATED the formula and wouldn't eat much... Worst night we have had so far LOTS of screaming and crying.. :( She FINALLY pooped after not really having a good diaper in a few days... I had to do a rectal temp reading for this to happen.

Wednesday: Called back to Doctor--decided they wanted to check her out... Weighed in a 9 lbs 12 oz and got diagnosed with Acid Reflux-- which then put us on Zantac and we are waiting until Monday to see what happens on the formula (which in lab breaks the protein down-makes it easier to digest) and the meds. I had two break downs of crying with Adelynn today-- Felt good to get it out.

Thursday: My 28th Birthday (Jeff took off work to help out with Adelynn--I needed a break) So thankful for a husband that is an amazing daddy and helps out so much.... Thank You :)

Woke up to this... Why a trash can you ask?
Olivia wanted me to have one in my bedroom so i dont always use hers and thats what she told Jeff she wanted to get me! 

Mommy and Olivia date to Aquatic Center for "Morning Splash"

Flowers from one of my besties, Heather (on left) Jeff and girls on right so pretty

My birthday present.... a family car!!! YAY!! Love It!
And on top of getting a new car i got to spend the afternoon just me and the hubby hanging out... I miss those days!  Thanks to papa for being here we spent like 6 hours at the dealership... exhausting--but lots of "us" time :)
Friday: Adelynn did awesome slept from 11:45-5:45 woke up and ate and back to sleep from about 6:30-10:15ish.. Rainy day sleeping in is AWESOME!  I bought this awesome baby bjorn carrier for only 25 bucks! YES a deal! Then Me and the girls went to walmart and got Olivia a new dvd player for the car and then we had a gift card to Mcdonalds so we shared a chicken nugget meal and sundae! Success!

She loves it.

Happy Girl.. Layed here and coo'd and laughed and talked for almost 25 minutes! 

Birthday Dinner at Nakato with my favorites... :) Picture before we left... She's such a goober! :)

Through all the ups and downs this week.... I wouldn't trade any of it.. These moments pass by so quickly... So thankful for such awesome family and friends... love yall.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Adelynn * 1 Month *

SO hard to believe it has already been a MONTH.. you are growing SO fast..  Tuesday the 16th you weighed in at the doctor's office at 9lbs 6 oz and 21 in long.  Big Girl! You are starting to notice a lot more and focusing a lot more on people when they are talking to you. 
You have found your voice and have started talking and "cooing" to yourself and others (ADORABLE)

You have been sleeping about 6 hours a night for the past 3-4 nights and you only like to sleep in your rock and play while being swaddled in your swaddle me blankets... I think it keeps you warm and cozy keeping you from jumping and startling yourself. You sleep right beside mommy's side of the bed and like clockwork you have been up at 6-615am each morning and then you go back to sleep.

 You are definitely a crier... On the day you turned one month you cried and cried so much I called into your dr. office... I'm wondering if you are going through a growth spurt or you have colic, but we aren't real sure but you cry lots more than most babies.. :( which makes us super sad because we can't seem to make it better.. Praying whatever it is passes quickly.

You LOVE to be outside.. That is the ONE thing that can usually calm you down. We go outside and watch sis swim--I put up our big umbrella to keep you shaded BUT I let you in once so far just to splash your little legs..  You also love our nightly walks we usual go on... You like to go.. We went to Silver Dollar City the day after your one month and you LOVED it so much you slept the entire time...

We love you SO much and time is already flying by... You look just like your daddy at this point and you can give some mean ol looks... Olivia LOVES to help out with feeding you and helping mommy get things.. I've been SO blessed with you and excited to watch you grow. I Love You.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baby Adelynn Update

We are home and doing MUCH better-- She's a bit fussy, but nothing compares to what went on before we went to the hospital.. We had a check up today and the doctor said she may have a bit of colic.. So we have done a warm bath tonight along w the heating pad and its seem to work miracles.. :) 

As we speak this is what she looks like at this moment..

She is quite the little angel with a set of big ol lungs that are LOUD!!  :) but I'm SO thankful.. 

She weighed in at 9lbs 6oz today 21 in long.. She's 2 days away from being a month old (WOW-- time flies) :( 

Olivia's first time to feed Adelynn:

Hanging out with her sister:

Me and my girls hanging out on the hammock getting some vitamin D:

Hanging out while we let sister swim..

Just hanging out with my girl :) 

So thankful we are home and getting some time to all bond together. We have been having so much FUN!!! :) 

Thanks for all the prayers for my little lady-- God is GOOD-- All the time God is GOOD <3

Zoo Day

Her favorite animal the giraffe!! She fed it all by herself and was so excited!!! :) 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's THE day..

We have been in the hospital today for 10 nights and 11 days.... Can you say exhausting?!  SO excited we finally are getting to go home and start living "normally" again... Adelynn is MUCH better and acting like herself and a normal newborn (almost 1 month old) WOW time sure does fly.. :(

Although spending all the time in the hospital has been exhausting--I have enjoyed spending one on one time with Adelynn and spending time with Jeff at night. It made us slow down and enjoy just the company of one another. I have missed Olivia like CRAZY... and I'm SOOO excited to have her home tomorrow. She went on "vacation" to the bootheel and spent some time with all of her grandparents. Just a couple pictures I have got since she's been gone... I think she's getting spoiled rotten.

Here's a picture of her poor head after she got her scalp IV out :( she has 3 little bawled spots :( and now her IV is put into her right foot.

Decided since she had a bawled spot we would just but a bow in the spot :) How ADORABLE?!

MUCH happier.. Look at those bright eyes... Love Her!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Adelynn's Birth Story

Well the day started out as a "normal appointment day" except the fact Jeff decided to tag along with me to the office where we would see the nurse practitioner because my doctor was off Thursday and Friday of this week. I never mind seeing her because I'm in and out in a jiffy unlike seeing my doctor I can find myself waiting from 30 minutes to hours..

We dropped Olivia off at preschool (leaving her car seat and bag of "big sister clothes" just in case) my hopes weren't high that I would be staying and I would be coming back to work my shirt so the other girls could get their breaks in for the day. We said our goodbyes and headed off down the road.

Arriving at my appointment a little early so i could go in one more time and chat with the lady who deals with insurance and payments to make sure everything was all taking care of which only took a few minutes and I was back in the waiting room chatting with Jeff about everything. What If This.. and What If That...  and I hear the nurse Lauren and my heart stopped for a minute I was so nervous for this appointment because I was beyond ready to meet my sweet little princess.

We got into the room and got to hear that sweet little heartbeat and then it was time bottoms off and she will be in here soon to check my progress. (Exciting/Nervous) When she came in we talked about when I would be induced which would be scheduled for Tuesday June 25... But if she checks me and I'm at a 5, then she would send me over to hospital and we would see how the progress goes.

To my surprise I was at a 5!! WoW! I was super excited.. We made lots of phone calls and texts and my nurse got me in a wheelchair and started to push me toward the hospital. As we started moving I felt so emotional... Tears began to fall. This is it the moment I've been waiting for for weeks and I'm crying.. We would have a family of four before I went back home.. 

We got checked into our room and we decided to start walking to help get labor really going... After walking awhile with Jeff-- Kim showed up and decided to walk with us for a bit.. Lots of chatting and walking (quickly) was done and our doula, Patricia showed up and we kept walking and added in squatting to hopefully help make some progress..  Levi dropped Olivia off with us during this time too and she got to walk the hallways with us and we were able to give her the "BIG SISTER" bag we had made for her for the day.

Just walking trying to get labor going--Olivia looks SUPER excited :)
Just hanging out with mom on the "pregnant ball" eating some Jello

We waited on the doctor and waited when we found out he actually stopped in BUT since I wasnt in the room he LEFT!!! At the time I was like ARE U SERIOUS?!? But looking back I'm glad it worked this way bc the whole family was able to arrive and talk to me :) At a little after 5:00 (my appt was at 9:40am that morning) the doctor (not MY doctor bc he was off Thursday and Friday) Dr. Stamps his partner in the office showed up and explained he was going to break my water.

Explaining what was about to happen...  

5:00pm Water was broke and contractions picked up and got INTENSE... QUICK! I wasn't expecting them to get that bad so fast, but i managed to get on my birthing ball and rock, sway, and BREATHE. I let the girls of the family come back into the room-- but then decided to labor on the toilet and had Jeff ask everyone to leave.
Jeff was AWESOME-- He stayed right in front of me the whole time helping me breathe and I'm sure I was probably cutting his circulation off to his hand squeezing SO tight. After laboring on the toilet for awhile, I decided to head back to the birth ball...Patricia was putting counter pressure and rubbing my back through all the contractions which were coming every minute and lasting for 30 seconds each...

Getting the monitors fixed
After getting stadol--I decided to labor in bed
About 6:00pm I decided after being checked and only being at 6!! (Seriously thought this had to be a joke) that i wanted an epidural... They say you dilate about 1 cm an hour and there was NO way in the world i could deal with the pain I was feeling until 10pm or longer.. NO WAY. It HURT!! I thought I was mentally prepared, but I had reach "that point"

The doctor came in and I told him "I want an epidural NOW" haha Obviously that's NOT the way it works and it took some time for the anesthesiologist to get to me, but to hold me over they gave me half a dose of stadol at 6:15pm while I waited on her. It helped a lot... It made me feel like of "out of it" but my body actually relaxed and it wasn't as bad for a bit.... I continued to do my thing through the contractions until the epidural arrived.

7:00pm Anesthesiologist arrived and my first question "Are you a REAL doctor" lol Because of my bad experience last time with a "student" I wanted to make sure.. She got all her stuff ready and I was still having lots of contractions and boy o boy did they hurt. Finally she was ready and got started-- She ended up having to get me twice because the first time I had a contraction in the middle of it and moved... But the second time they held me down enough and got it in and said I should start to get it about 7:30pm... By this time I was in some serious pain-- so my nurse decided to go ahead and check me I was at a 10-- No more epidural medicine... Went through the pain to get it in.. and didn't even get anything from it.. Besides being charged!

The nurse went out to get Patricia, they had made her leave before the epidural and told all the family I'm at a 10 and ready to push! By the time the doctor got in the room and ready I was already starting to push... I pushed a totally of about 5 pushes.. On one of those pushes I went from a -1 station to a 3 and she was beginning to crown-- They noticed as she started to come out the cord was up around her neck and the doctor had to start pulling it down...

Pushing as Adelynn is starting to crown.. One of my favorite pictures  a true labor picture.

At 7:51pm a beautiful 7lb 5 oz 19.5 in long sweet baby girl entered the world: 

Introducing Adelynn Mae Rawson

Jeff didn't get to cut the cord again this time because once her shoulders and all came out they realized she was purple/blue and not breathing or crying.... They cut her cord and instead of coming straight to my chest had to be taking over to the baby table and cleaned out a little. As they were about to stick her on oxygen... I hear a sweet little coo and a cry... and then she came straight to my chest where Jeff and I just loved all over her.
God is GOOD!
She nursed right away and didn't want to stop and it was perfect. She looked JUST like her daddy and had a little brown hair and big ol eyes!! Absolutely PERFECT. After about 30mins-1hour, Olivia got to   come into the room and meet Miss Adelynn for the FIRST time.. and she was SO excited. I LOVED watching her just look at her and touch her... My little family of four finally ALL together and mommy and daddy got to love on both of them before we let family/friends into the room.

Olivia meeting Adelynn
Olivia washing Adelynn's hair for her first little bath.

The delivery went a little different than that my birth plan had said but overall I was completely happy with it.  Adelynn came out very alert and looking around (after the episode of the cord) and she nursed and was a healthy little blessing. Our nurse Brittani was AMAZING... My support team of Jeff and Patricia helped me to get through it and reminding me I could do it and God was in control the whole time.  

                                          God is Good!! 

Our happy family of four minus our fur baby Tucker

Me and my girls!