Friday, December 27, 2013

Adelynn *6 Months*

You are sitting and crawling EVERYWHERE... and you got your FIRST tooth the bottom left one and the right one is right behind...  You love eating food.. especially your little yumm yumm crackers and puffs. You get your food at dinner time and we are going to start in doing some in the morning too.. You are taking a 6 oz bottle about every 3-4 hours... You are a growing girl... Can't wait to see what your weight/height is at your appointment on Tuesday! 

Sleeping is going better we have had a couple all night sleeps, but usually up to give you a binky about once or twice a night sometimes that doesn't work and you will take a 4 oz bottle in the middle of the night or sleep with mommy and daddy. You are just a tid bit spoiled especially after the holidays and all the grandparent lovin you got. 

You are still taking gentlease 100% of the time.. We add cereal in at night to help fill your belly. You are holding your own bottle and would rather lay in the floor and eat than someone hold you and try to feed you. We are off of the prescription baby miralax, but started you on the one you get over the counter we mix one cap with 8 oz and you get 1 oz with your morning bottle... Talk about MUCH happier! :) 

You are wearing  6 month clothes and sometimes 6-9 mo and Diapers are now 2's..  You have some chunky little legs :) 

Your sister is loving you being on the move and being able to play with you more since you can move and hold yourself up for long periods of time. You are one of the happiest babies. Your smile is contagious and your giggles fills my heart with so much happiness..

Mae Mae Crawling.. <3

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Program

Olivia's Christmas Program was on Monday night and it was adorable like always.. I love getting her all dressed up and watching her get up there and sing... Hard to believe she is four and so grown up and pretty. 

I was thankful for one of my best friends who was able to come and watch her. Family being far away stinks sometimes and this is one of those times.. But we understand and make do with best friends that help fill in the gap when no one is able to make it. 

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?! Ahh!!

These two are gonna be trouble :)

This is Olivia's BFF as they call each other. They hang out everyday and go to school together and come back to me at lunch time. He calls her Rainbow and we have now started watching power rangers and super hero shows at our house ;) 

After the program this is what she got 

An "O" necklace from Brody Man! It was so sweet!!! 

I'm very thankful for an awesome preschool for Olivia to go to and learn. I love all the girls over there and know she's in good hands for the few hours she goes in the mornings. And the best thing is she LOVES it and seeing all if her friends. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm stinking at keeping up on my blog.

Life has been SOOO stinkin' BUSY with two kiddos and holidays and everything going on.. My girls are growing up so fast and time is flying and I. HATE. IT! UGH.

Friday was a SNOW DAY!! Even daddy stayed home. We slept in, took naps, played in the snow and then I had my annual SAS Tea Party.

Thanksgiving break was awesome we got to go down to the bootheel and got to spend time with all of our parents and grandparents and see aunts, uncles, cousins, and everyone it was GREAT. I sure do miss all of them! :( I love watching the kiddos interact with them all especially watching Olivia play with all the kiddos she misses all the time.

Since Thanksgiving we have been doing lots of holiday stuff. We have the house all decorated up.. We did our yearly tradition and got the girls their ornaments. Adelynn got her FIRST Christmas and Olivia got her big sister one... 

We also started a couple new things with the girls since Olivia is getting older and understands a lot more. 1. We bought an elf.. no elf on the shelf because i'm not spending 30 bucks on an elf and i dont really understand the point of all the chaos of it.. but just a few dollar one and she heads to the north pole at night, moves to a new place, and watches over the girls during day. 2. We started the 25 days of book tradition and Olivia opens up a book every night.. She LOVES reading and this has been a BLAST!! Some nights we just read other nights we have hot cocoa or just all snuggle up on the floor.. So much fun. 
Instead of buying gifts for the girls we decided each year we are going to do something with them before Christmas so they will have a memory that they remember sharing with us each year. Today we our "Date Day" This year we visited the Dixie Stampede.. It was SOOO stinkin' much fun. She LOVED it. Adelynn passed out but Olivia kept her eyes on the show the whole time. We did some shopping at the Landing and got to visit with SANTA.

Omgosh. Santa was AMAZING. There was NO line we got to let Olivia sit on his lap and talk to him for like 5 minutes and take a pic then Adelynn joined in and just watched him and they took a picture together and then Adelynn by herself... She could NOT get enough of him. AH. Precious! Bass Pro in Branson is AMAZING :) and He was one of the best santas!! 

Melt Me. Im SO blessed with SUCH great kiddos. They are both so amazing in their own ways. They make my heart full everyday. Hope everyone is having a very joyful holiday season. I'm feeling very blessed and enjoying every minute with my family. <3