The house is finished and now we wait for the loan process to finish and then it's moving time!! So crazy! So thankful to have a new home that will be ours and we get to paint and finish out a basement. Lots of work ahead but so exciting picking out bedding, furniture, and all the fun paint colors and etc.... so exciting.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Happy Halloween
Doc McStuffins and her patient, the teddy bear... How sweet are they?! We had a great halloween trick or treating in our new neighborhood and took them into Cape to do a little more trick or treating. We got to go with Aunt Lynsey and the girls were so excited she dressed up TOO!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Soo... We are buying a HOUSE!
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First Picture of the House |
Here are two views from the back of the house... That is the new school here in Jackson where the early childhood center will be along with an Elementary which Olivia will attend in the Fall! She will be VERY close which i LOVE!
Here's a few pictures of the inside of the home still lots of work to be done but it's perfect.
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Playroom Area |
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Basement Living Room |
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Basement Bathroom, Bedroom and Closet |
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And the stairs... |
Drove by the house Friday evening and we now have shutters which make it look SO much better-- Can't wait to be able to plant flowers and landscape this Spring... :) Will go by tomorrow and see how much they got done the last couple of days...
We should be closing sometime in December... A start to a new chapter.. SO thankful. Everything is falling right into place... Love being home <3
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Back To The Blogging World
Well... the last blog i posted my little lady was only 9 months old... WOW time flies... She just turned 16 months this past Monday... She goes to the doctor next Friday so i can get some stats on her.. We have been busy with a move and haven't got to go to the doctor yet for our 15 months..
Over the past few months our family went through A LOT of changes...
1. Jeff got a new job and moved to Southeast Mo to Cape Girardeau where he lived with my best friend from high school and her boyfriend for 3 months... From June 23rd to Sept 19th... When we finally sold our home and got to move with daddy... THAT WAS AN AWFUL 3 months without daddy home..
2. We rented a home in Jackson where we plan to raise our kiddos... It's a beautiful place and not too big.. its really perfect for our family.
3. We just put a contract on a new home in the exact subdivision we wanted to live in... I swear God works in ways I like to question, BUT i find if its supposed to be he will show you and let you know you made the correct decisions... and over the past two days all i can say is WOW.
4. I started my own business doing an in home daycare like I've thought about for a long time. I loved working with my friends but this allows me to stay home with my kiddos and make income doing what i love. I left a few kiddos who have a piece of my heart and always will, but i have 3 new kiddos who have gained a piece of it too.
5. We only live 45 mins away from our family and less than that from others (my sister) it is AMAZING. I LOVE IT!
The kiddos of course are growing up fast and we are just getting settled into our rental and we will be closing on our new house probably in Dec. they are working on it now and it should be done within the next month! SO excited!
I am SO thankful for all of this craziness we have been through. There are times i thought i was going to break and i was completely lost without Jeff at home with me for 3 months. I NEVER EVER want to go through that again... I'm an AWFUL single parent and look to Jeff for so much. I knew we were blessed with 8-5 jobs, but after those 3 months now i REALLY am thankful and appreciate that along with every weekend with us.
We have made new friends already and been on play dates and double dates... I get to see friends i have missed these last 10 years, but I miss my friends back in Republic especially my bestie :( Its rougher sometimes than others but change is a hard thing...
Our goal right now is we are focused on finding our family a church home... We've visited a couple just haven't found what we are looking for...
Life is good just wanted to update and hopefully i can start keeping up with this better i wish i would have blogged through Jeff being gone but he had the computer and most nights i was too tired to blog after working full time, houses duties, a full huge garden, two kids, and a hubby 4.5 hours away.. WHEW...
THANKFUL to be together as a family again. God has been so good to us and so faithful.
Over the past few months our family went through A LOT of changes...
1. Jeff got a new job and moved to Southeast Mo to Cape Girardeau where he lived with my best friend from high school and her boyfriend for 3 months... From June 23rd to Sept 19th... When we finally sold our home and got to move with daddy... THAT WAS AN AWFUL 3 months without daddy home..
2. We rented a home in Jackson where we plan to raise our kiddos... It's a beautiful place and not too big.. its really perfect for our family.
3. We just put a contract on a new home in the exact subdivision we wanted to live in... I swear God works in ways I like to question, BUT i find if its supposed to be he will show you and let you know you made the correct decisions... and over the past two days all i can say is WOW.
4. I started my own business doing an in home daycare like I've thought about for a long time. I loved working with my friends but this allows me to stay home with my kiddos and make income doing what i love. I left a few kiddos who have a piece of my heart and always will, but i have 3 new kiddos who have gained a piece of it too.
5. We only live 45 mins away from our family and less than that from others (my sister) it is AMAZING. I LOVE IT!
The kiddos of course are growing up fast and we are just getting settled into our rental and we will be closing on our new house probably in Dec. they are working on it now and it should be done within the next month! SO excited!
I am SO thankful for all of this craziness we have been through. There are times i thought i was going to break and i was completely lost without Jeff at home with me for 3 months. I NEVER EVER want to go through that again... I'm an AWFUL single parent and look to Jeff for so much. I knew we were blessed with 8-5 jobs, but after those 3 months now i REALLY am thankful and appreciate that along with every weekend with us.
We have made new friends already and been on play dates and double dates... I get to see friends i have missed these last 10 years, but I miss my friends back in Republic especially my bestie :( Its rougher sometimes than others but change is a hard thing...
Our goal right now is we are focused on finding our family a church home... We've visited a couple just haven't found what we are looking for...
Life is good just wanted to update and hopefully i can start keeping up with this better i wish i would have blogged through Jeff being gone but he had the computer and most nights i was too tired to blog after working full time, houses duties, a full huge garden, two kids, and a hubby 4.5 hours away.. WHEW...
THANKFUL to be together as a family again. God has been so good to us and so faithful.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Adelynn *9 Months*
How in the world can it be possible you are 9 months old!! This past month you have really started to talk saying mama dada bye bye hi.. You have started blowing kisses and waving all the time.. Also you have started walking between stuff and letting go taking about 6-8 steps at a time..
At your check up you are 17 lb 11oz (43%) and 28 1/4 (80%) I thought u would be bigger but she says u are going to be tall and lean.. Just like your sister!
You are a HUGE momma's girl.. You always want me.. I guess is time doe separation anxiety to start and I'm sure it doesn't help you are with me all the time at school but I cherish each day I get with you... I'll take you being a mommy girl ❤️
You still only have 2 little teeth on bottom but I believe you are starting to teeth the top 4 teeth are so swollen :(
Sleeping is still not consistent... Some nights are better than others... U will cry and put urself back to sleep others u wil
scream and scream until we bring a bottle in.. Dr suggest we start doing water but you were NOT loving that last night!
Eating is going great you LOVE to eat.. You definitely like table food.. You are so independent that u like to feed yourself so I usually give you whatever we are having for dinner.. At school you enjoy eating with the older kids so I give you pancakes, waffles, toast..along with a fruit. Other days u will eat oatmeal or yogurt.. Lunch is always a meat, veggie and fruit and u do good eating with the other kiddos!
You are wearing mostly 9 month clothes but some stuff you can fit into that's 6-9 month.. Diapers are 3's but believe u would still be in 2s if we had some pampers but for now the cute little pink diapers are ADORABLE!
You LOVE playing with other kids at school.. You are a dare devil and kind of rough.. You make me so nervous following the other kids and taking off walking on the tile floor but u always catch yourself.. You love singing and clapping, playing peek a boo, and you have also enjoyed the afternoons we get to spend OUTSIDE.. We got to have your first visit to the park to swing and omgosh you ❤️'d it!! You just laughed and smiled and even kept your cute little shades on.. You are def going to be an outside girl..
Slow down little lady.. I look back at pictures and can't believe how fast time has been going.. I Love You.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Spring Break Fun
We had a BLAST this Spring Break.. It started off leaving for the bootheel... Friday night we got to spend time with all of Jeff's family.. The girls got to play with cousins and I love being able to sit and talk to Kellie and Preston... They are SO much like us.. sure wish they were closer to hang out with. Our kiddos played together and were so sweet.
Not even a month apart.. <3
Saturday the boys went hunting so my mother in law and I took the kiddos to Mcdonalds.. They had a BLAST.. They have a big indoor playgroud and the girls enjoyed playing on the slides...
After a good lunch we headed over to Matthews where we dropped off the girls and headed to Amelia and Ben's wedding followed my some appetizers and beer with my sister, her boyfriend and friends.. Then to the reception. It was an ABSOLUTE blast!!! We stayed out WAY too late but we dont get out too much so we had so much fun.
Excuse the eyes it was VERY smokey :\
Sunday we were up early to get ready-- we headed over to Jeff's parents for lunch with his bro and his girlfriend who came in town to surprise his parents... then Jeff headed back home and we went to my dad's house and spent the day. We left right before dark and headed to El Bracero for some dinner with my mom, brad, and alli :)
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Wagon Ride |
Monday I got up early and my sister gave me some hair pretty and cut Olivia's hair :) followed by lunch at one of my fav restaurants which will be closing in May :( Makes me SUPER sad. Spent the day doing a little shopping and visited my aunt at her work. Dinner was at my sisters we had a BBQ and a good time laughing and just spending time together it doesn't happen NEAR enough and makes me sad when it's over bc we have such a good time.
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Headed to Aunt Lynz for dinner |
We started Tuesday out with a big ol bubble bath. The girls love baths as much as i do! :)
Tuesday we took Nana to the doctor and she got a GREAT report 13 years CANCER FREE! Praise GOD! We went to lunch at Red Lobster and did some more shopping got the girls bathing suits :) SO exciting now if the weather could make up it's mind and STAY WARM!!!
Wednesday we headed back so i could go to work at 12:15.. and then we got the house all cleaned up along with all the laundry and got Olivia's new room all moved in... She was so excited about her new furniture... We still have to paint the bottom of the walls and add the Zebra stuff but for now we are keeping it like it is.. Nana is going to bring her zebra stuff when she comes to visit..
Thursday was Olivias FIRST soccer game of the season.. she kicked the ball 3x and she was so excited.. Jeff's parents and brothers got to come watch so she was super excited to have people watching her.. :) Everyone went to DQ after the game and got ice cream!! YUM!
Thursday and Friday we worked until noon and just hung out.. Thurs we all took a girls nap and went to take daddy Sonic to work and Friday we played outside at home and then headed to the park for some fun. The girls LOVED it.. so did Tucker he just relaxed watching everyone play.
Friday night Jeff's parents stayed with us and we hung out and went out to eat BBQ at the new place here in Republic the girls were SO wore out they SLEPT all the way through dinner.
Saturday i ran the furtherest I have EVER in my life 9 miles 1:42 time. I was happy with that.. I have 36 days until my FIRST (and last) half marathon.. I love running but i dont enjoy this having to work until to 13.1 miles. I prefer to go out run about 3-5 miles and be done.. 9 seems like you run FOREVER... Next weekend its 10!!! Yikes. We also played in a volleyball tournament with Jeff's brothers.. we didn't do so well but we had fun the last few games... The girls got to hang out with their Nonna and Papa with the cousins while we played and then we went home and all took a nap we were all so tired...
Today has been the lazy day seeing how its the last day of SPRING break and it's SNOWING!!! ugh. We have took naps, played games, had a hot bath, watched TV and just have been LAZY. We are all still in our PJS! That's a GOOD day :)
Back to work tomorrow-- Excited to get back to my kiddos tomorrow have missed all of them so much... I'm sure it will be rough morning for some but i will be sure to get lots of love :)
Hope everyone had a great Spring Break week.. even if you didn't have Spring Break hope it was a wonderful week!!
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