Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Adelynn *7 Months*

You are on the GO..  Crawling and now starting to pull up and take steps...
You LOVE your walker and you pull up on EVERYTHING. You got your first knot today at school :( but you only cried for a minute and back on you went to play.. Everyone says you are going to be an early walker.. We shall see you are growing WAY too fast i do know that. SLOW DOWN.

You got another tooth on the bottom so now you have two little teeth.. They are adorable!

Sleeping is NOT going good at all the past two weeks you are up and down and whining ALL night long.. I think you have a bit of a cold with cough and congestion-- but the doctors say there is nothing they can do it will go away. Last night we put you in your car seat and you slept for a little while but man it's rough being up all night and working. 

You are still taking gentlease 100% of the time.. We add oatmeal in at night to help fill your belly. You are holding your own bottle and would rather lay in the floor and eat than someone hold you and try to feed you... The only bottle you will let me hold you to feed you is your night night bottle.

You are still taking miralax 1 oz per day to help keep you not constipated... which is going  A LOT better. 

You are wearing 6 month clothes and sometimes 6-9 mo and Diapers are now 2's..

We are working on saying "MA MA" lol but i'm sure you will shout out "da da" before :)

You will wave hi and bye sometimes and love playing peek a boo.

You are such a sweet little lady.. I love your smile and watching you and sissy play. Can't wait to see how much fun yall have together this summer.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Adelynn 6 Month Pictures

I am one blessed momma with these beauties.. 


I always love holidays because we usually get to spend time with all of our family which being 4 hours away doesnt always allow us to spend as much time as we would like to with all of them. I miss them all very much and im thankful for the time when we get to visit.

Here are my little turkeys that i am VERY thankful for. Both of them with their own little personalities and bring so much joy to our lives. I made their cute little turkey shirts this year which im super proud of :) i thought they were adorable and not to mention under 10 bucks a piece. Score.

We did our normal routine on Thanksgiving day which is to eat with Jeff's family in the morning and spend time with them and then we head over to my moms and have dinner in the afternoon.

 After resting for a bit it's our annual Black Friday shopping. This year it started so early so we decided to wait and go later we headed out about 930pm. It was a BLAST as always, but i was SUPER sleepy.

All smiles at the beginning of the night. 

Friday we had Thanksgiving with my dad and grandma and sisters..  it was great spening time with them.

After spending the afternoon with them we headed to cape to celebrate the boys birthdays Brad, Jeff and Tyler. We went to the new Japanases place and it was AMAZING. 

Saturday night Jeff and I went on a little date to eat some mexican and to the movies to see Catching Fire. It was a really good movie. lt's always super nice to get out and enjoy each other without kiddos.

Loving this little blessed life I live.