We had Christmas as a family at our OWN home and it was AMAZING. Love watching the girls get so excited that Santa had stopped by our house... It was a memory I'll cherish forever. We even got to play outside on Christmas ( it wasn't that cold) we rode bikes and four wheelers all down our new road and enjoyed lots of laughs.
February marks the month i start training for my 2nd half marathon... Week 1 went WAY better than I expected... Especially seeing how i am running on the treadmill and i HATE the treadmill... It's only the 8th so i'm sure we have LOTS to still accomplish this month. We are 2 weeks away from Ash Wednesday and I'm still praying about what to give up for Lint... SO excited we have a church service on Ash Wednesday... Can't wait to experience that. I've also started a new small group on The Respect Dare and it is amazing.
I have to say I am SOOOO thankful for God to answer prayers... I know it is in his timing but man... I haven't been SO happy in years... I'm SO thankful to be close to my family... and meeting new people and finding a church... Life is Good. Although i do miss a couple friends that don't live close anymore... thankful for visits with them and of course technology :)
Hope everyone is doing well...
Tucker Says, Have a Wonderful Week <3