We have spent the whole day outside. We have mowed, played outside, napped, went on a walk, made homemade pizza, and now we are watching Shrek Ever After. Olivia is SO much fun. She loves being outside and being active. I LOVE IT! She's now laying on her Dora couch watching the movie. I LOVE HER! I can't get enough of her. She is my everything. <3
Body For Life has been kind of rough for me the past couple weeks... I've still been consistent with losing and on Monday I weighed in at 139.4.... I'm praying tomorrow goes good too! I bought new jeans for the first time since Olivia was born. Instead of purchases my normal 10's. I got to purchase 6's! HUGE accomplishment. This week I will only get to work out Mon.-Wed. so I'm on my own to do cardio while I'm down in the bootheel. I know i will slack and eat unhealthy, but i'm going to try my hardest.
Olivia and I are going to take the trip down and be at the hospital with her Thursday and Friday. I plan to visit my momma, I miss that lady SO much.. :( One bad thing about being so far away from home is missing my parents. It's SO hard, because i never imagined being so far away from them. :( But I'm blessed we can visit lots and see each other.
Wanted to give a short spill about the sermon I heard this weekend...
1. Worship is not an event.
2. Worship is not music.
3. Worship is not a performance.
4. Worship is not just a feeling.
5. Worship is not something that is confined to one day a week.
6. Worship is not manufactured.
7. Worship is not just reserved for a select group.
Worship is SPIRIT and TRUTH!!!
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