Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jesus Put a Baby In MY Belly

In the sweet words of Olivia, "Jesus put a baby in my mommy's belly-because we prayed for it" It is the sweetest words that have ever come out of her mouth that she understands that Jesus provided for us. He led me to get a procedure done and gave us the finances to pay for this surgery to only find out the next month we were blessed with a little bitty baby sister or brother. What an AWESOME God!

After trying for almost a year a half and praying and praying in GOD's TIME-- He provided us with the chance to have another little Rawson. I am SO SO thankful.

I found out on October 11, 2012. It was a Thursday and Olivia had been getting sick all morning since we had taken Jeff to the airport to go on a work trip to California. We said our goodbyes and Olivia did not like this much at all, but daddy promised as soon as he arrived he would call. Well in the time it took him to get to California i realized i hadn't started my period for the month (even tho i had taken a digital pregnancy test on Monday and it was negative and I had a huge pitty party and was so upset) I decided since i hadn't started and i was kinda feeling yucky I would take another test just to be sure. Well when i went back to the bathroom I had a flooded of emotions come over me as i read the test PREGNANT. I couldn't believe it I screamed, cried, and laughed and then realized the one person i wanted to call was on an AIRPLANE!!

I couldn't believe it so i went back to the store and bought the ones with lines just to double check and sure enough that test was NOT lying! I thanked God over and over and over for this blessing i just couldn't believe it. When Jeff finally landed in Cali he said he was going to go to the beach and let us see the ocean and how pretty it was so i knew i had to come up with a plan to be able to tell him about the baby while he was sitting on the beach in a beautiful place that God had made.

Here's how we told Daddy even tho Olivia didn't find out then.... We waited to tell her because she's not very good at keeping secrets ;)

On November 13, 2012 we took Olivia to Ultrasona, which is a place other than the dr you can go to to get your ultrasounds done and they allow your children to come in and get to experience the blessing with you. She had no idea where we were and when i got up on the table and she started scanning my belly and our little bitty baby Rawson popped up on the screen the girl explained to her what it was and everything it was one of the MOST blessed times in my whole life just watching her face light up. We even got some pictures of Baby Rawson to bring home and no worries Olivia made sure she carried them and kept saying it's "my baby" As we were walking out of the clinic Olivia turns to me and says "Mommy Jesus put a baby in your belly and I'm not sad no more-- I'm SO happy are you too mommy" and I'm pretty sure I may have shed a tear along with Daddy it was the sweetest thing she has ever said and it is forever in my heart! She is SO excited to be a BIG sister!

1 comment:

  1. I'm bawling! I didn't realize he was gone when you found out-what a crazy mess you must have been!
