Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We spent the holidays down in the bootheel with all of our family. We had our normal routine of switching houses and visiting with everyone. It's always the most hectic trip down trying to get everything in and getting to have time with everyone.

Before we left for Christmas we did our own little thing at home and had dinner and opened up a few gifts. We gave Olivia her ornament for this year as this is going to be a tradition we start with both kids.. Each year they will both get an ornament to represent something that happened throughout the year this year we got Olivia a soccer ornament since she had her first session of soccer and loved it. She was so excited to get it and put it on the tree.  (Will upload a picture SOON)

#1 Dad's House
We had dinner and got to visit with my grandparents and with my sisters. We opened gifts and had lots of laughs. Jeff was pretty happy about that signed Cowboys picture ;)

#2 Grandma and Grandpa Muses's house with all of the Muse side minus a couple people who didn't get to come (We missed yall!!) Santa showed up to say hi before his big night of delivering gifts and it's always so fun to see all the kiddo's faces! 

#3 My Mom's House 
This was Christmas Eve night so we got to put out Santa's fav cookie Oreos and milk and it was SO much fun to see Olivia actually understand this year and was SO happy when she woke up and noticed there was a bite out of each cookie... 

#4 Rawson Christmas 

AND we even had a white end of Christmas Day and snow day the day after Christmas and Olivia LOVED it!! 

And a Happy New Year :) Love this life I'm living and i'm looking forward to an awesome New Year in 2013! <3

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Words

I'm TOTALLY in LOVE with this little baby lady... and her dad isn't too bad either. Gosh how did i get SO blessed. 

Thank. You. Jesus! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Love The Weekends

We had a great weekend visit with my parents we went to Branson and it was my mom's first time to see the lights along with my sister and step dad. Olivia LOVES SDC this year and LOVES Santa! It's a BIG change from last year when she did not want to even be close to him! 

Here's a few pictures from Saturday :) 

Taking her picture with Santa and telling me what she wants for Christmas <3 

We have been working on getting some traditions for the holidays all together of stuff we will be able to do with both of our kiddos next year I'll have to share those ideas and fun things we have been doing this year so far! Kids make life so much fun!! :)

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend <3

Friday, December 14, 2012

Every Shooting Star Needs a Wish

Last night was a moment I hope Olivia treasures for a long time, I know her daddy and I sure will. We decided to go lay out a blanket and watch the meteor shower... After laying out there together we decided to come in and get Olivia. It's SO amazing the LITTLE things God's gives us to show us the PRECIOUS things in life... Olivia was AMAZED by all the shooting stars and how many wishes she got to make... She was in AH... and it was such an amazing moment to just sit and reflect on how much she has grown and how PRECIOUS our time is with our babies because they grow up oh so fast.

After last nights event and just listening and watching her with her daddy and taking in the moment I shed a few happy tears of how blessed we have been since the day she was born my little miracle baby who is now sooo smart and kind and growing TOOO fast.

Today's tragedy in the elementary school really made my night I had last night that much more special to me we are never promised tomorrow. I can NOT even begin to imagine the feelings the aching the mourning that is going on in Conn. It breaks my heart into pieces thinking of each precious baby who lost their life today. Innocent children who just wanted to learn and go home to play and love on their parents have gone to heaven to be with our amazing God...  Just like that it happened. Where are we safe anymore? It's scary and really makes you spot and think.. I held it together today at work until i got home and started listening to some of the news stories especially from other teachers and it just broke me down and all i could do was cry and hold my sweet Olivia and pray to God to keep her safe always.  And to provide comfort for the families who have lost an innocent baby :(

I'm very heavy hearted about this situation and I'm praying and praying for this country.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Martha Vs. Mary Preparation Vs. Purpose

This past weekend was full of fun. I went to my annual DC Christmas Tea party with all the girlies. I got to get all dressed up, be served, and listen to some funny improv and Tosha speak. I look forward to this night all year long just a night to myself to chit chat with friends and forget about all the crazy Christmas stuff that needs to be done although this year has seemed a lot less stressful.

 Saturday we did our annual CAC volunteering it's so nice to be able to go and teach Olivia the meaning of helping others and it not always be about us but others. Also on Sunday our Angel Trees at church we got to get two kiddos off of it and Olivia helped Jeff wrap up the kiddos presents and we talked about how we would be helping the kiddos who aren't as fortunate as others and they would love their presents we picked out. She got SO excited and she doesn't even mind we have a ton of presents under our tree and only two belong to her (grandparents spoil her, so we go easy on gifts)

Our sermon at church Sunday stood out to me and I wanted to share a little from what was talked about along with the podcast if you are interested in listening our sermons are posted each week.

The sermon was about Martha and Mary **Luke 10: 38-42

At the Home of Martha and Mary

38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Preparations are okay as long as they don't distract you from the Purpose.

Quit telling Jesus what He needs to do and Listen to what He might be trying to tell us.

1. The Purpose is the Presence of Jesus
   * Luke 10:42 "There is only one thing" Matthew 6 "Seek first the kingdom of God"
2. You Control What Controls YOU
3. Prioritize the Presence of Christ

Who are you more like? Are there things we can change?
It was interesting after church to sit down and talk with my husband about how we think our lives are compared to this and how we do with Olivia on prioritizing the things we do. We are def. blessed.


Preparation Vs. Purpose