Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We spent the holidays down in the bootheel with all of our family. We had our normal routine of switching houses and visiting with everyone. It's always the most hectic trip down trying to get everything in and getting to have time with everyone.

Before we left for Christmas we did our own little thing at home and had dinner and opened up a few gifts. We gave Olivia her ornament for this year as this is going to be a tradition we start with both kids.. Each year they will both get an ornament to represent something that happened throughout the year this year we got Olivia a soccer ornament since she had her first session of soccer and loved it. She was so excited to get it and put it on the tree.  (Will upload a picture SOON)

#1 Dad's House
We had dinner and got to visit with my grandparents and with my sisters. We opened gifts and had lots of laughs. Jeff was pretty happy about that signed Cowboys picture ;)

#2 Grandma and Grandpa Muses's house with all of the Muse side minus a couple people who didn't get to come (We missed yall!!) Santa showed up to say hi before his big night of delivering gifts and it's always so fun to see all the kiddo's faces! 

#3 My Mom's House 
This was Christmas Eve night so we got to put out Santa's fav cookie Oreos and milk and it was SO much fun to see Olivia actually understand this year and was SO happy when she woke up and noticed there was a bite out of each cookie... 

#4 Rawson Christmas 

AND we even had a white end of Christmas Day and snow day the day after Christmas and Olivia LOVED it!! 

And a Happy New Year :) Love this life I'm living and i'm looking forward to an awesome New Year in 2013! <3

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