Saturday, September 21, 2013

Adelynn *3 Months*

Happy 3 Months Little Lady!! You rolled over from back to belly on September 16.. you did it 2x this night. What a big girl! You also LOVE standing up... If i give you my hands you are always trying to pull yourself to your feet.. Slow down please.

You are weighing about 12 lbs 6 oz and are around 23.5 in. long. You are SO full of personality. Always laughing and smiling when anyone talks to you. You are still taking Zantac to help with your acid reflux and mommy is still pumping to let you have breastmilk. We usuallly supplement too using gentlease..  At night you are still getting 2tsp of cereal in your bottle and you sleep through the night almost every single night. (thank you Jesus) 

We finally got you out of the rock n play, but you still insist on being swaddled.. We tried to put you down in the pack n play which is by our bed i still have yet to want to put you in your crib... you are only little once so im taking it all in :) Ill leave you in your swaddle as long as you need :) We also put you in your swaddle me if you get out of control cranky and screaming during the day and it calms you down and you usually fall asleep within minutes.

We got your ears pierced on the day we got your two month shots-- you handled them both really well and i have to say i love your little ears :) so stinkin CUTE! :) 

Ive loved watching you change again this month and love watching you discover new things and learn. You are such a good baby only cranky usually when you wanna eat and its not ready RIGHT then. :) You are a little piggy :) Cant wait to get your 3 month pictures done on Sunday..


God is Good .. We prayed so hard for you and waited patiently   anxiously each month. Finally after doing a histopinogram... God blessed us with you.. Slow Down Growing... It's going by WAY too fast!! 

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