Sunday, February 8, 2015

Very Bad At the Blogging Life

It's now February and the last few months went by SUPER quick. We moved the weekend before Christmas.. Got the house painted (the whole main level)  and moved in 2 days! The third day was used to organize....It. Went. QUICK.

We had Christmas as a family at our OWN home and it was AMAZING. Love watching the girls get so excited that Santa had stopped by our house... It was a memory I'll cherish forever. We even got to play outside on Christmas ( it wasn't that cold) we rode bikes and four wheelers all down our new road and enjoyed lots of laughs.

January was wonderful. We started it off on NYE spending time with friends but Olivia wasn't up to par :\ We still had fun and ate way too much! It's also the month we found a new church and are loving it there! The girls even love it and Mae went to her first class today without crying. SO proud. Olivia is learning so much. which I love listening to her tell me what they learn. We spent lots of hours with family, the BEST thing about being so close is we can pretty much see anyone whenever we would like. I didn't know what we were missing out on all the years away.. I feel bad we didn't move sooner so Olivia could have had grandparents so close the first 5 years of her life.. SO thankful for them to be close as she is starting KINDERGARTEN in August! WOW. Where has the time gone.

February marks the month i start training for my 2nd half marathon... Week 1 went WAY better than I expected... Especially seeing how i am running on the treadmill and i HATE the treadmill... It's only the 8th so i'm sure we have LOTS to still accomplish this month. We are 2 weeks away from Ash Wednesday and I'm still praying about what to give up for Lint... SO excited we have a church service on Ash Wednesday... Can't wait to experience that. I've also started a new small group on The Respect Dare and it is amazing.

I have to say I am SOOOO thankful for God to answer prayers... I know it is in his timing but man... I haven't been SO happy in years... I'm SO thankful to be close to my family... and meeting new people and finding a church... Life is Good. Although i do miss a couple friends that don't live close anymore... thankful for visits with them and of course technology :)

Hope everyone is doing well...

 Tucker Says, Have a Wonderful Week <3

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