Friday, January 25, 2013

Quick Takes

1. Today started out amazing.. Got a call i didn't have to be at work until 12:30, sooooo I got BUSY BUSY and cleaned the house did laundry, dishes, dusting, vacuuming, and straightening... All is done and my Saturday will be filled with lots of relaxing and fun. YAY for Friday morning off....

2. I'm 19 weeks pregnant today only 6 more days until my big ultrasound to see the babies anatomy... and hopefully still see little girl parts considering all of the pieces of clothing I already have, BUT if there is little boy parts i'm super ok with that and will be excited to start over :)

3. I'm really dreading taxes this year... things dont look so good for us... Stinks Jeff bust his butt to make a better life for us but we are gonna owe taxes.. YAY us. NOT!

4. I'm over all this cold weather I'm SO ready for spring time with longer hours of sunlight, shorts (since none of my pants fit) and tshirts..... Oh the good ol spring/summer weather PLEASE visit ASAP!!

5. I started our 52 week challenge of saving money all year long.... Excited that if we make it all year at the end we should have saved 1300 this year.... THAT IS AWESOME. :)

6. After next thursday there is A LOT of work to get done around our house... we need baby furniture put together, painting, and getting things our precious little baby will need.... I'm very excited but it makes me kinda tired thinking of all the work which i didn't add cleaning out the spare room TOO... yikes.

7. SO excited for life groups to start back at church... Ready for some girl time and connecting with new friends. I've already done the LG once it's called Character Makeover... BUT i think it will be a good session to go through before I have baby #2... Refocus and De clutter my mind and FOCUS on positive parts of me and give my family the best of who i am.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend... <3

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday Art Night: Watercolor

Tonight we did art night as a family and it was a blast.. Olivia decided she wanted to make a rainbow.. We taught her ab watercolor and how to set it up and paint... Love these nights ..

Daddy's is on the top, mommy in the middle that's what I call abstract lol and Olivia's rainbow on bottom..

Happy Thursday!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

2012 in 12 Photos

I just read a friend's blog and seen this super cute idea of how to show a glimpse of 2012 and some of the things we went through....                                  
Check Out her 2012 here... Where I got my AWESOME idea...

Enjoy <3

Quit My Full-Time Job  and Started at O's Daycare

First Snow She Could Actually help build the snowman

First Car Wreck W/ O and Tuck on way home from bootheel. Totaled.

Strawberry Pickin' (Also My FIRST 5K--This pic was cute)

Celebrated with my mom being a survivor at her and O's first Relay

Vacation to San Antonio to see Family. 

Lots and Lots of Swimming with Friends

First Season of Soccer GO BLACK HAWKS!

Olivia Turns "3" 

Homemade Lady Bug Costume 

I have a SECRET... I'm going to be a BIGG SISTER!! 
June 21, 2013

First time sitting on Santa's lap alone and she now LOVES him. 

We had one BLESSED year... 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Quick Take Friday

1. I'm gonna try to make this a new Friday accomplishment. I love reading my friends 7 quick takes each week being so far away it helps me keep up to date with her and her growing family a little more :)

2. I'm growing SO much faster this pregnancy than with my first it's UNREAL. Here is a not so good pic of me but it shows you my belly I'm 18 weeks today. SO excited for Jan. 31st to check the babies anatomy and just to see that precious face <3 SO SO precious and blessed. 

3. I first started to feel flutters at the end of 16 weeks and they just keep getting a little stronger each week. I absolutely LOVE the feeling and can't wait for those little kicks, hopefully we will get more of them this time :)

4. I LOVE days like today that i only work 10-2 but get to spend time with some of my girls chatting it up in the afternoon while my kiddos are napping. Live for these days.

5. Fridays are the best because Jeff gets off work at 3 instead of 5 and I LOVE IT. Can't wait for the spring/summer to get to enjoy all of the Friday afternoons in our backyard.. by far the best time of the year for us :)

6. Olivia has grown up SO much-- She nows thinks she can go into her room and close her door and play babies and with all of her toys... Why didn't someone warn me this would come so soon... I thought only teenage girls wanted privacy with a closed door... :\

7. Excited to get the news today Miranda Lambert is coming to town... and GUESS who wants to go and tickets are ONLY 27 bucks... why yes i will work a little extra and save up some moola for this.. Date Night Yippie!

Enjoy Your Weekend...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why I Love My Job

Going into 2013 I've almost been at my current job a year on January 30. This has been the BIGGEST blessing I have ever received for many reasons. When I first wanted to work for Heidi my main focus was that I wanted to be able to be with my baby, who now isn't such a baby... Since starting things have changed and I've worked with many different girls and at different places.
As I reflect back over the last year of my life and realize this past year I was WAY less stressed than EVER before, I have made friendships that will last a life time, I have many little boys and girls that look up to me to take care of them and love on them each day, and I get to spend the days watching my little girl play and interact with her friends while learning. I mean SERIOUSLY this job exist?
Yes with any job there are always bumpy times, but they have been WAY fewer than any job i've ever had. I'm so thankful that i've been given the opportunity to keep these kiddos they make me happy each day along with the girls i work with. We aren't just friend at work but like to hang out and have girls nights! It's pretty awesome.

With Baby #2 on the way I'm looking forward to not ever having to leave my baby at daycare again and getting to stay with her ALL the time... I know for some people this may seem like a lot BUT they are only little once and looking back on O it makes me sad i left her when i did and missed all of those little sweet first words and figuring stuff out. Plus i have an amazing husband that is always willing to let me have some "me" time in the evening if that means a hot bath, going out with the girls, or just going out alone for a bit to work out or grab some dinner.

Between my job and husband the last year of my life has been one of my most fulfilled years yet. I can't see what this has to hold with all our new changes with another baby, O will hopefully spend a few hours each morning at preschool, and what I'm really looking forward to is a summer off to enjoy it with my two little kiddos.. yes i realize i will have a newborn but that wont stop us from enjoying time outside and doing what our family loves! oh boy oh boy I'm SOOOO excited!

Just wanted to post a little of how I felt this past year inside.. I couldn't have ask for more.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday Art Night

Well as of this week Jeff wanted to start a new "day of the week" with O.. He themed it "Art Night" so every Thursday they will spend about an hour after dinner doing different type of artwork last night he taught her about colored pencils and they drew her penguin Waddles :) she loves him!

It was fun watching her get so excited and learn about the colored pencils and eraser :) She is very into all this stuff looks like I may have a little lady who loves art just like her daddy :)

Here's their first project to go into her folder daddy made out of cardboard :)

How did we get SO lucky to have such an awesome daddy and husband?!